ARNE Artist-Run Network Europe


What is the aim of Artist-Run Network Europe and what kind of events and activities will the project deliver?

ARNE strengthens the European self-organised artist-run sector by connecting artist-run initiatives to exchange their experience, methods and structures.

The artist-run sector is varied across countries and exists in different formats. Many artist-run spaces start from spontaneous artists’ groups based solely on the enthusiasm of its organisers, often without previous experience. At the same time, the artists are professionals who have hands-on knowledge about art, technical skills, and a broad competence in many aspects of exhibition production that are valuable to share. However, it is common that artist-run initiatives lack the networks that would connect them with each other or allow them to exchange their knowledge.

ARNE promotes transnational mobility of artists from the independent artist-run initiatives

Artist-run initiatives often work on a limited budget and function only locally, unable to invite international artists, exhibit their artists abroad or conduct research trips. Promotion of transnational mobility of artists and curators is vital for the development and strengthening of the independent art sector. ARNE will work specifically with local initiatives and regional organisations, and get them involved in the project events as local coordinators or participants.

ARNE improves the awareness and accessibility of artist-run initiatives to broader spectrum of audiences

Artist-run initiatives can seem fairly obscure to general audiences and art professionals alike. Those who start artist-run initiatives often lack the skills necessary to promote their programme and reach out to people. The project opens up new opportunities and serves to reach broader audiences in the countries of the partners and participants.

ARNE shares knowledge with and delivers training and education to peers from the art sector and art students

The lack of a targeted, sustainable exchange of knowledge and skills between artist-run initiatives, as well as with public and education institutions is an issue prevalent within the artist-run sector, and transferring of knowledge is rare. It is common that artists engage voluntarily for a period of time before becoming exhausted and leaving their initiatives without forwarding their experience to the next generation. ARNE will facilitate connections and collaborations, show alternative economic models, funding opportunities and survival strategies through the events, documentation and uploading the materials on the Artist-Run Resource Centre.

Enhance sustainability through connecting artists and artist-run initiatives in the programme, creating spin-off effects.

ARIs often work with a flexible programme and are situated in a continuous state of financial insecurity. They learn on-the-go; taking inspiration from each other increases their chances for sustainability. It is quite common that the lifespan of ARIs tends to fluctuate – some that close down after one year of activity to veterans initiated in the 1990s who serve as role models for younger ARIs. Together, small ARIs can have a much larger outreach.

AIM Network (2010–)

AIM (Artists’ Initiatives’ Meetings) is an international network of artist-run initiatives.
It was established in 2010 in order to create a common platform to share experience and knowledge, and to increase visibility of the artist-run art scene. AIM's programme consists of meetings, conferences and exhibitions, and stimulates mobility and new collaborations for artists and professionals in the art field.
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